Emilie Mazzacurati, Founder and CEO of Four Twenty Seven — Investing for Impact | The Economist Events

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Emilie Mazzacurati, Founder and CEO of Four Twenty Seven

Emilie Mazzacurati

Emilie Mazzacurati

Emilie Mazzacurati is the founder and CEO of Four Twenty Seven (427mt.com), the leading provider of market intelligence on the impacts of climate change for financial markets. Four Twenty Seven provides climate risk screening for listed securities and real assets to help financial institutions, corporations, and governments understand their exposure to the physical impacts of climate change and build resilience.

Emilie has received multiple awards for her work as a thought-leader and social entrepreneur and was named in the Top 100 People Finance 2019. She has published extensively on the impacts of climate change in financial markets, on climate risks disclosure (TCFD), and on adaptation finance opportunities. She also served as on the state of California’s Technical Advisory Group for the implementation of Governor Brown’s Executive Order on climate change (EO B-30-15) and teaches at the University of California, Davis Executive MBA on Business & Climate Change.

Previously, Emilie was Head of Research at Thomson Reuters Point Carbon, where she directed research and modeling on carbon pricing. She also served as a policy advisor to the Mayor of Paris on environmental policy. Emilie holds a Master’s of Political Science from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and a Master’s of Public Policy from UC Berkeley.